Saturday, December 09, 2006

Starting a Christmas Letter (not)

It is going to be tough to start the Christmas letter this year. I am certain that the things that we have learned about Bud and Ruby, ourselves, and our family will be the majority of the letter, but I just can't get started today.

Instead, I continued to add recipes to the blog that I started for the family to continue traditions of love, service family and food that Ruby modeled so well.

Ruby's recipes

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm having trouble with ours this year as well. As a matter of fact, half of my cards didn't get sent out LAST year because I had intentions of writing a letter to go with the handy Wal Mart pic and never got around to it.

I've decided that if I don't have the grace for it, then evey though people enjoy it, and I miss's okay to simplify (Richard Foster, Celebration of Discipline).

You all just enjoy the simplicity of doing things that refresh and rejuvenate you and yours this season!

I was thinking of Jackie dedicated she is with the Christmas cards to so many! I wish I were! This year with Mom sick...when I get a card, I send a card! Oh well. We can't make everybody look bad every year...that would be rude!

Blessings to The Eby's!