Friday, January 06, 2006

Christmas Card 2005 - Jackie

In late 2004, several of Jackie’s friends from NWHS got together in Chicago to celebrate turning 40. Lori Wagner hosted the event for lots of fun and pampering.

Jackie’s life revolves around her children as any of you might know. This fall, she served as the team mom for Carmen’s Volleyball team and Adam’s Football team simultaneously. Either would be a challenge.

She has made a couple of changes this year. In the first three months of 2005, she decorated the house we moved into in 2000 with guidance from a close friend. In June, Jackie had LASIK surgery and could see without glasses just in time for our family vacation. (Becca discovered that she no longer needs glasses during an annual checkup in August)

Besides running after our children, she is hostess for the Sunday evening Biblical Financial Classes and other meetings, parties and gatherings that we hold at our home. It would be hard for me to imagine a more Proverbs 31 woman to support me.

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