When the kids were young, they watched
Iron Eagle over and over. Their whole generation grew up viewing people in authority as default thinkers that never challenged the status quo.
The lessons that Adam learned from this movie now meet reality in High School... OK, I have to take some of the blame as well for the DNA that I gave him and the thinking patterns that I have demonstrated to him.
Please read the following script while imagining the following substitutions:
- Chapman is me doing my best Louis Gossett, Jr imitation
- General is Jackie wavering between pardoning her son from prison while considering the safeness of just visiting him there everyday.
- Mr. Masters is young Adam Eby
- Air Force Academy is replaced with Lexington Catholic High School.
Chapman: "Begging the General's pardon, I urge you to reevaluate that decision. Letting this boy loose, would be a big mistake. He already has demonstrated his inability to keep his big mouth shut. I would suggest sending him to an institution, that can order him to keep that big mouth shut."
General: "Are you saying, we should confine this boy to some kind of penal facility?
Chapman: "As a matter of speaking yes sir, you see sir,.. Mr. Masters has applied to the Air Force Academy an institution well-suited for this kind of treatment, eh, unfortunately his application has some.. resistance. I was wondering if you could eh.."
Technically, Adam has not applied to Lexington Catholic, but it still sounds like a great idea for a young man that struggles with positional authority and can not keep his big mouth shut. He may find Lexington Catholic more challenging than IB at Tates Creek, he already does plenty of creative thinking, activity and social service.
Jackie is working on helping Adam understand his limitations as the middle child by making him read about birth order and I'm trying to get him to spend some time upgrading his PC from Windows XP to Ubunto instead of watching TV.
If he can just change his birth order, he might be a good leader some day.
I also think memorizing Romans 12 would be good. The whole chapter is applicable to life's problems whether you want to lead as a middle child or make friends as an oldest child.
If anyone else has any suggestions, we are grasping at straws.