Thursday, December 25, 1997

Christmas Card 1997

I don’t mean to be bold and in your face but I am currently reading a book that has kept me focused about the urgency of the spreading of the gospel. It is the third book in Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins’ biblical prophesy based fictional “Tom Clancy-like” series about the rapture, tribulation and Antichrist and it is absolutely riveting. Don’t worry, I haven’t gone off the deep end and made any plans based on the end of the world happening in 1998 but I have stepped up my pace on the great commission. If you have any friends that enjoy reading Tom Clancy, this book may convince them that Jesus is the Messiah.
Romans 1:16, Matthew 28:19

Another year has passed and our three children are another year older. The news here is that we have not added any children nor is Jackie expecting. Our two and a half bedroom home is full by American standards.

Last year I elluded to the calling that the Lord had placed in my life to be prepared for something different. This year has not produced the direction but we are still waiting patiently. We have so many blessings here in Lexington. The friends we have at our church are precious and the spiritual growth we have experienced is irreplacable.

The small group we are involved in is the largest earth bound contributing factor but the entire church family is a great resource. Several new members have added spiritual gifts and experiences from the world that I have never seen used in the traditional church. It is exciting!

In May, Jackie was surprised to receive a four day Waikiki vacation for her birthday. Her parents and our small group conspired with me to make it a complete surprise. She found out 24 hours prior to departure when she noticed two airline tickets in her birthday card.

I have flown nearly 100,000 miles and have been away from my growing family for 50 days this year but the 4 day vacation seemed to make up for it. We toured, sunned and enjoyed time together while our parents watched the kids in Indiana.

We returned to Indiana to celebrate Jackie’s parents’ 50th wedding anniversary in June which was special for all of us.

Carmen broke her arm the week before her first day of public Kindergarten. She currently has a black eye from crashing into her brother’s head during an everyday scuffle. She enjoys school and is eager to learn to read. She already “reads” many books to Adam and Becca.

In October, I went to Washington to pray with a bunch of other people from all over the United States. Our church and I had the best possible accomodations with my brother Keith who lives only a mile walk from the Washington monument.

Carmen and Adam celebrated their 6th and 4th birthdays in October and had a huge outdoor party with friends, family and “Sugar the Clown” (Jackie’s sister Shirley).

In November, little Becca had surgery to remove a growth on her back. The surgery lasted 45 minutes and her recovery lingered on for another 5 minutes. She ripped the IV from her sucking hand as soon as she was concious. Another Eby that loves pain. She is doing fine, the growth was not serious and was completely removed. Another answered prayer.

Other news is that our most accident prone child, Adam, has not injured himself to the point of hospitalization this year. He still has aspirations to be a cowboy but is leaning toward being a mechanic after seeing his father’s truck in a constant state of repair for the last six months. He is excited about starting preschool three mornings a week in January at a local church.

We are still waiting on God’s call, life is getting very interesting and we are getting prepared. We hope your service to the Lord is as exciting as ours here on earth. People get ready!

Kevin, Jackie, Carmen, Adam and Becca

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